A golden age of humanity is upon us.

We are coming up on a new way of living, a new way of being and we all have the chance to participate in it together. 

What is the golden age? 

It is life, lived on your terms. Life, the way you always thought it should be. It is heaven on earth. It is everyone winning and learning while creating untold curiosities and treasures. It’s the end of work and the unfolding of play. It’s the beginning of the end of the dark ages. 

Who is bringing in this golden age? 

You. Every time you have a vision for a better world and do what you can do *right now* to bring that vision into the present, you are participating in our cultural renaissance. 

Me. I believe in a world where the basic human needs are met naturally and without struggle or effort. Where ample food, water, and shelter means that people get to make decisions from a place of security and safety. 

And many others. Many are pioneers whose work paved the way for this golden age. 

  • Ron - the “Ghetto Gardener”

  • Peace Pilgrim 

  • Free Fridge ATX

  • ATX Food Forest

  • Earth Native Wilderness School

  • Foraging Texas

  • Falling Fruit

And others who support decentralized free resources for humanity. 

When are we doing this? 

Now. Every moment we exist, we are moving with great inevitability towards this end. By taking small actions of love and joy now, you do your part to hasten the dance. This is *not* living in la la land while the rest of us suffer here on earth. This is doing what you can do right now to bring la la land here. 


The most important thing we can do is to create the world we wished we lived in as children. Why? Simply because we desire it to be so. Do not be misled: There is no great moral lesson  behind our suffering, nor our salvation. Let us be happy together simply because it is our most fundamental desire to be so.  


My Work Towards the Golden Age


The Start of Something New